Sunday, January 20, 2008

About Language Learner

In my personal idea, I believe that patient is the most importat factor to become a proficient language learner. As we know , it's difficult to manage a proficient language. The reason is during the learning period people would facing a lot of difficulities, espeacially at the beginning. I believe that patient takes an dominant role of language learning because learning languages takes a lot of time and energy.People need to keep motivation all the time although there will be frustrations in the future. Besides patient, I think people should be brave in order to become proficient language learners because people need to overcome different kinds of trobules. Definitely, they need brave and determination all the time. Ohterwise, perhaps it's easy to relinquish learing process. There are my personal ideas, I believe the person who both has patient and brave determinaiton will be more easy to become a proficient language learner.

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